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22nd October 2024 


I have always protected any data or information I may receive from people, the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legislation has encouraged everyone to look at what information they store and what they really need to store. I don't ask for any identifiable information when an enquiry is made, though of course people do give some, including email addresses, phone numbers, addresses etc. All I require to arrange a meeting is an email address and a mobile number, and these are the only pieces of information that I keep as I may need to contact you to re arrange an appointment ( this is rare). Otherwise I don't contact people unless they ask me to respond. Emails addresses and mobile numbers are password protected on my PC or mobile phone,the mobile number is stored without your name.

Emails are deleted when replied to along with any information about the reasons for seeking Counselling.

I sometimes make notes after Counselling sessions to help me to remember details, and also because it helps me think about what we have discussed and how I can best help you the next time we meet. These do not contain names or any obvious identifying details, I write by hand and on the PC, if on the PC notes are printed off then deleted. Notes are stored securely in a locked drawer, and destroyed once our Counselling work has ended.

If you have any concerns about your privacy and the security of any information you have given me please do contact me and I'm happy to discuss this further. There is some confusion around GDPR including some misconceptions,Counsellors do need to abide by the new regulations, but by storing the absolute minimum information the risk of a data breach is lessened, although of course phone numbers and emails need to be protected. I would never pass on information to anyone or mailshot people.